Farm life of a Young Adult
Sunday, March 11, 2018
To recap on what I said last post, I want to start vlogging. I know quite a few people are doing it. The reason why I have decided to do so, is I'm getting a puppy. So I want to view back once he's older to see how he has grown, or when I have kids of my own to look back on. Even with a future dog, to view on how I trained or something.
So today, I'm picking out and editor, I've heard really good things about Filmora, So its the one I decided to download. It is free, but sadly, there will be a watermark, unless you pay for a licence. Which I will be doing this week. I think this is a great idea and investment. Specially for something towards what I've been wanting to do for quite some time.
I will be posting the videos in here as well, but to keep an eye out, follow the link below.
FB Gardening
FB Animals
Friday, March 9, 2018
The Future
I want to appologize for not being pro active in posting. Life has been quite busy, and it will be remaining that way.
I have an idea of what I want start doing in the next month. I hope that you will join me on this journey!
Vlogging has been a huge thing on youtube recently. Ive been thinking about doing this for a while now.
With something being added in my life. A new member, I thought Id vlog it. So I can see how life and how fast with growth and training goes.
My plan is to use youtube as my host, and link it to here.
Ok, ill say what a big change is in my life. I am...
Getting a puppy!
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Catch up...
It's been quite a bit. I have had lots happen in the short period of time I have been away.
Um, lets see what did I end off with in my posts? Ah yes... the Cookie jar.
Well, I did fix whatever issues I do have with my grandma. I still decided that limited contact with her is what I still need. As I don't want to be overwhelmed in her presents. I did actually go to Ontario on a business trip. Did some family visits, as well as a few friends. Including my 86 year old grandmother.
Um, What else..... I'm now working full time with my father. Which is an amazing oppertunity, def better than working at Dairy Queen as a supervisor. better hours, pay and working on benifits. What do I do? I am Human Resources, I hire, fire and deal with people.
I do plan on going to Africa in January. ticket is booked. I'll also have a bit more info on what the trip will look like, and what I am looking forward to. What I expect on the trip. Then I will do one after my trip on what I did for me.
Sorry for the short post. But I guess some post is better than none at all.
Until next time,
Monday, July 17, 2017
The Cookie jar
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Shall we?
Hello everyone,
It's been a couple weeks since my last post. I've been fairly busy. Which is good. Keeps my mind off stuff.
Guess I will share what's happened. I've decided to get rid of a few things my girlfriend gave me. Also, I'm on a online dating site. Talked to only a few women there. But it's a start, and it's a bit of fun.
I've been thinking since I have a bit more time now, I may reopen up my challenge. Posting for 100 days. I want to see if I can do it. If I can work hard on content as well as staying on top of the days compared to last time.
Guess I'll cut it short since it's quite late. Until next time.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Monday, June 12, 2017
Word Vomit! (Update on Moving on)
Hello everyone,
Yes, I'll get to my story on how my word vomit issue came up. But for our new comers, I do have to say that this is apart of a new series that I'm doing. So you may have to scroll down and read previous posts, or click on the titles: 'Moving On' and second 'Throwing Out'.
So in my last post, I mentioned about planning on talking to my pastor. Which I been wanting to do for quiet sometime now. I go there to talk to one of the four there, it's usually bad timing, or I don't have time to go there. I actually waited for an email from one as well. You have been finding out that my family is a bit crazy. Trust me you aren't wrong, lots of crazy wacky family drama. Which some may believe that it has helped with the feeling of my ex. It doesn't, I can guarantee that! It's been clouding me so I can't deal with it properly, its been to much for me.
So now, lets get back to the main topic. WORD VOMIT! I went to church this past Sunday, and I talked to the youth pastor about the upcoming service I was going to sit in, as well as his kids that he was watching running around. They had an issue with some video playing audio and not both in the first service, to which happened in the second, thankfully they were able to fix it. After the service, I went to the youth pastor and started talking to him that he figured it out etc. He then had a feeling to ask 'How is life?' So I started going off on about what life has started to look like this week, moving (How exciting) and my garden. Then I hit the surface of my issues and it came out. All at once, from my sister, to my ex and trying to work it out in my brain. He talked it over with me briefly, prayed with me and for me. Then sent me on my way, I felt so peaceful, nothing clouded me, that I actually forgot my jacket.
Since then, those topics I shared haven't bothered me. But I'm still up at night thinking, over what might be keeping me connected to my ex. Something so powerful for some women, but mainly for all men. Lust! And that will by my next post. How I will be working my way through that issue, or maybe just what I'm going through.
Until then, See you all and God Bless!