Wow, what a busy week! Although I'm done school, I've had a very busy week! I put chicken edgs in the incubator on Thursday/Friday, Updated my website, got rid of a round hay bale, went into town more than once, worked on a broken down jeep, and had company come more than once this week.
I've started more than one project. I'll post pictures shortly. One is making Kumbucha tea. It's a very healthy tea. Its suppose to help wih many issues. Very funny story. I got a scoby from a friend of mine. Which I made three batches, each with the new baby. I gave a friend the last. She made rounds and rounds, ending up with four generations (rounds with the babies). Lately, I wanted to start into kombucha tea again, and got two fourth generations from her. I made two rounds, making me have the fifth, which actually is the eighth generation. Very interesting!!!!
I may have the babies or mom scoby's called for already. I'm spreading the word of the Miricale drink.
So I put forty eggs in the incubator. Today is the end of day seven, I candled them and four weren't developing, the other four, died. Leaving me with thirty-two eggs. So far my hatch rate is 80% of the total amount. That is still high, I'm hoping all hatch. I already have two chicks called for. Oh, if anybody would like Danish Brown Leghorn chicks, email me! They're known to be very flighty, although I haven't noticed with my birds. Mine are very calm birds, come up and they allow you to pet them.
That's another thing, I've recently managed to get a email other than my personal. The email address is the click-able link above (^). If you want to email me about a breed, or any posts you want me to make, please us the email above aswell!
Well, this is a quick update, and I'm very tired, long day and long week.
Till next time,
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